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Annual Member Survey - Your Feedback is Welcome!

Board announcements

In order to continuously improve the membership experience for our chapter members, we’d like to ask you to take the following 4-6 minute online survey and share your insights, feedback, and guidance with us. It is our intention to conduct this survey each year in order to track trends and progress over time and also to share the summary results at our upcoming Annual General Meeting scheduled for September 12th this year.

This is an anonymous survey (aside from the fact that we have to collect your PMI membership number, to validate your active membership status.) No personal information will be collected.

Please locate your member number (this was sent to each member via email with the survey link). You will need to enter this number into the survey form, in order to have your answers counted in the overall results.

This survey will be open for 3 weeks (until Friday, August 2nd).


>>> Take the Member Survey

Thank you for your time, your feedback, and for helping us to make our chapter the best it can be!


Jay Ashford – President, Board of Directors – SF Bay Area Chapter

Shashi Rangarajan – Chief Executive Officer – SF Bay Area Chapter





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