March 25 2024 at 04:00PM
The History of PMI: Revolutionizing Project Management
What is the Project Management Institute?
PMI is the global authority in project management, a non-profit association that empowers and educates project professionals across the world. PMI administers accredited certifications such as the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification, hosts international and regional seminars, and provides geographical membership services.
PMI’s Beginnings
PMI was first founded by James Snyder, Gordon Davis, Susan Gallagher, Eric Jenett, and Ned Engman at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1969 in order to provide a means for project managers to associate, share information, and discuss common problems. Within the next decade, PMI held its first Seminars & Symposium, “Advanced Project Management Concepts,” in Atlanta, Georgia and the first PMI Chapter was started in Houston, Texas. PMI quickly continued building its strong volunteer core, chartering 24 new chapters in the U.S. and eventually branching out globally. In 1984, PMI’s first credential called PMP was launched, and by 1989, PMI had 6,199 members and had given 264 PMP certifications. In the next few decades, PMI debuted more globally recognized certifications, awards programs, conferences, and more. As of December 2022, PMI had 300 chapters, 670,000+ members, 1.5 million active certification holders, and 10,000 volunteers across 200 countries.
PMI’s Major Milestones
PMI’s San Francisco Bay Area Chapter was first created in 1974 and is now the 15th largest chapter with over 3000 members. This chapter’s main focuses and offerings include Evening Programs which provide an excellent opportunity for project managers to network, Breakfast Roundtables which are informal gatherings of approximately a dozen project managers who come together to discuss various topics, and ScopeMasters which is a Toastmasters Club for members.
PMI-SFBAC Celebrates its 50th Anniversary
This year in 2024, PMI’s San Francisco Bay Area Chapter will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Stay tuned for event updates and follow us on social media for more!