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Event Recap | Mobilize Love with People Power




Event Recap: 

Mobilize Love with People Power

Author: Percy Ramos, Assoc. AIA, PMP, OTC

I can still picture the day I met Christian Huang, the inspiring President of Mobilize Love, a nonprofit that uses outreach trucks to provide programs and services to under-resourced kids and families. My Project Management Professional (PMP) diploma was still warm from the printer, and with the enthusiasm of someone who had just earned their stripes, I spoke confidently about event organization and logistics back in December of 2023 at Mobilize Love’s end-of-the-year “Love the City” event, a city-wide outreach effort to provide food and giveaways to thousands of people. Maybe I even threw out a few unsolicited ideas about crowd control.

As a volunteer that day I could see that things got a little hectic with just a handful of volunteers managing the large crowds eager to participate and receive offerings – like toys, haircuts, food, games, and even rock climbing. Mobilize Love is known for pulling off these amazing events twice a year, and I couldn’t help but wonder how we could make the experience even smoother.

Fast forward to August 3, 2024, when a group of volunteers from PMI SFBAC were invited to be part of one of the city’s largest Mobilize Love volunteer events, and let me tell you, the stakes were high. Our assignment? Oh, nothing too crazy—just check-in over 3,500 people. Yes! That included volunteers, kids, parents, and everyone in between. Easy peasy, right? Well, not quite. But this was our moment to shine. After all, I had talked big game in 2023 about how this would be easy for a bunch of us – Project Management Professionals – to handle the task!

The day started early—really early. I showed up at Parking Lot A at Oracle Park in San Francisco, a full hour before our scheduled 9:30 AM start. This wasn’t just another day in the office; this was the Super Bowl of volunteer events. I walked the site, eyeing every detail, coordinating with organizers, and making sure we had all our ducks in a row. After all, when you’ve got nearly 3,500 people to check in, there’s no room for error.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, so did the energy. People began streaming in, and our team got to work. By the end of the day, we had successfully checked in close to 4,000 individuals! Let that number sink in for a moment. Four thousand people came through our lines, and thanks to the incredible teamwork between PMI and local churches like Hillsong, Epic Church, Reality SF, City Life, and others, the event went off without a hitch.

But the day wasn’t just about checking names off a list. It was about making a tangible difference in the lives of under-served communities in San Francisco. Over 1,000 backpacks were handed out to kids, filled to the brim with school supplies and other essentials. Families enjoyed hot meals, kids played games, climbed rock walls, and even got to visit a petting zoo. It was a day filled with laughter, joy, and the kind of community spirit that reminds you why we do what we do.

And let’s not forget the heat. San Francisco might be known for its fog, but on this particular day, the sun was out in full force. Yet, despite the soaring temperatures, our volunteers didn’t miss a beat. They stood strong, sweating it out to make sure everything ran smoothly. It was a true testament to the power of love and community—the kind of love that doesn’t just show up when it’s convenient, but when it’s needed most.

I want to extend a massive thank you to every volunteer who made this day possible, with a special thanks to Samantha Moy and Douglas Hahn of PMI SFBAC’s Sustainability Team who led this event with me. Also, to our chapter’s VP of Sustainability, Ina Acuña for connecting with me and making this joint effort between PMI SFBAC and Mobilize Love happen.

Your hard work and dedication didn’t just make the event a success; you made a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of people. You showed the under-served communities of San Francisco that love isn’t just a word—it’s an action. And it shows up, even on the hottest of days.

A special shoutout goes to Mobilize Love for inviting our PMI SFBAC to be a part of this incredible event. Working alongside such passionate and dedicated individuals was truly an honor.

As I look back on this experience, I’m filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment. This wasn’t just another volunteer event—it was a demonstration of what we can achieve when we come together with a common goal. It was a reminder that, in a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, there’s always room to make a difference.


So, let’s keep this momentum going. Let’s continue to show up where it matters most and remind the world that love isn’t just about saying it—it’s about mobilizing it.


See you at the next one!









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