Governance Documents

The public portions of the Board of Directors Meetings are generally held on the third Sunday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. PST.

All chapter members are welcome to participate in the proceedings in person, according to the Board’s Meeting Observation Protocols. For information about the next Board of Directors meeting, consult the chapter event calendar.

Board Meeting Protocols

The PMI-SFBAC Board of Directors welcomes the public to attend and participate in the Chapter’s Regular Board Meeting proceedings. This opportunity presents an additional means of keeping the dialogue open between the Board and the Chapter’s Member-Owners (membership and other stakeholders) known as Ownership-Linkage under the Policy Governance® Model. We want to hear your valuable input and feedback, so join us at an upcoming Regular Board Meeting! Please refer to the Board’s Meeting Observation Protocols document for guidance on what our non-Board attendees may expect for participation in this unique opportunity.

Board of Director Meeting Minutes

Policy Governance®

The Board of Directors adopted Policy Governance® on December 19, 2011. Policy Governance® is a knowledge-based approach to organizational leadership.

Our current chapter policies (last updated October 2021)

Chapter Bylaws

The Chapter operates in accordance with the Charter from PMI International and with a set of Chapter Bylaws which are updated with input from the board and approved and ratified by the Chapter Membership.

2024 Updated Bylaws PDF

Charter Agreement

The current chapter charter agreement with PMI International last update March 2024: PMI-SFBAC Charter Agreement in PDF format

Chapter Annual Membership Reports