Designing/Prototyping Solutions

Prototyping Overview

An explanation of prototyping from a Design Thinking perspective.

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10 Types of Prototypes

Solutions are unique, and your prototype should be appropriate for your goals. This article provides explanations and tips for different types of prototypes.

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Using Prototypes to Fix Design Problems

The prototyping phase can be overwhelming…here’s how to make your prototype work for you and help you stay focused on developing your product.

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A Refresher on A/B Testing

This article from the Harvard Business Review provides an overview on A/B testing, including why it’s a key part of designing any solution.

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Design Thinking: Prototype

A video overview of the fourth stage of Design Thinking.

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How to Set Up an A/B Test

Ready…set…go! In only 5 minutes, this video will show you how to set up and start your A/B test.

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